Life's Greater Game



Life's Greater Game



What Comes After Success?

Watch our Founder, Carter Schelling set the stage for answering this most interesting and profound question.


Is It Possible That
The Greatest Achievement Of Your Life
Still Lies Out Ahead Of You?

A Crisis NOW?

"I've worked with business owners for over 40 years, through business and personal catastrophes and four Recessions. I never would have guessed that for many, the most confounding crisis we would face together wouldn't appear until after they had reached the top of the mountain." ...Carter Schelling

Few will admit it but too many successful business owners in The Red Zone of Life (age 60-80) lack a compelling Vision Of The Future for the first time in their adult lives. No Vision means No Plan. No Plan means No Progress. They're stuck.

The GiveBack GameChanger

The members of The Greater Game Institute are business owners, past and present, united by one common pursuit. They're all dedicated to using their business-building skills to create small, agile entities that Change The Game in some area of GiveBack that touches their heart like no other.

We're an incubator for leaders who are answering the question in the headline above with a resounding "Hell, YES!".

Is It Possible That
The Greatest Achievement
Of Your Life
Still Lies Out Ahead Of You?

A Crisis NOW?

"I've worked with business owners for over 40 years, through business and personal catastrophes and four Recessions. I never would have guessed that for many, the most confounding crisis we would face together wouldn't appear until after they had reached the top of the mountain." ...Carter Schelling

Few will admit it but too many successful business owners in The Red Zone of Life (age 60-80) lack a compelling Vision Of The Future for the first time in their adult lives. No Vision means No Plan. No Plan means No Progress. They're stuck.

The GiveBack GameChanger

The members of The Greater Game Institute are business owners, past and present, united by one common pursuit. They're all dedicated to using their business-building skills to create small, agile entities that Change The Game in some area of GiveBack that touches their heart like no other.

We're an incubator for leaders who are answering the question in the headline above with a resounding "Hell, YES!".

This Billionaire's "Premortem"

Billionaire Ron Shaich built Au Bon Pain, Panera, and Cava.
What's his Success secret?
An annual conversation with Death.

Read The Article
Sign up for a 30-minute conversation with Carter
and learn how The Greater Game Instute can help you do
What You Were Put Here To Do.